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CBCS (ČESON) is member of BatLife



Although numerous journals aimed at bats exist all over the world, interesting news from the life of these remarkable mammals are available also in our countries. These papers do not provide complex verification of hypotheses such as in renowned foreign periodicals, however, they are of considerable value and deserve publication space. The journal publishes current news on the activity of particular working groups and exchange of subject matters for research and conservation and, above all, it endeavours to be a reputable professional periodical bringing not only papers on local themes but also comprehensive studies in the international context. Below you can download the papers in pdf format.

Editorial board:

chief editors:

Petr Benda (Národní muzeum, Praha, CZ)
Marcel Uhrin (Univrzita Pavla Jozefa Šafárika v Košiciach, SK),


Tomáš Bartonička (Ústav botaniky a zoologie PřF, Masarykova univerzita, Brno, CZ)
Martin Ceľuch (Spoločnosť pre ochranu netopierov na Slovensku, Bardejov, SK)
Jiří Gaisler (Ústav botaniky a zoologie PřF, Masarykova univerzita, Brno, CZ)
Vladimír Hanák (Katedra zoologie PřF, Karlova univerzita, Praha, CZ)
Ivan Horáček (Katedra zoologie PřF, Karlova univerzita, Praha, CZ)
Peter Kaňuch (Ústav ekológie lesa SAV, Zvolen, SK)
Radek Lučan (Katedra zoologie PřF, Karlova univerzita, Praha, CZ)
Antonín Reiter (Jihomoravské muzeum Znojmo, CZ)
Zdeněk Řehák (Ústav botaniky a zoologie PřF, Masarykova univerzita, Brno, CZ)

Instructions to authors

1995/1, 1997/2, 1998/3, 2000/4, 2001/5, 2002/6, 2003/7, 2004/8, 2006/9-10

2007/11, 2008/12, 2010/13-14, 2011/15, 2012/16, 2014/17, 2016/18